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Safety tips for dealing with Summer bushfires

Today I would love to share with you some tips to help you survive the Summer heat and those nasty bushfires as the weather starts warming up across the Country.

Bushfire Emergency kit

My number one tip to be prepared for bushfires – Do you have a spare bag packed or items in your emergency draw/kit ready for all your children in case of an emergency? I also made sure I kept one on hand in the car at all times.

Some of the items I always had packed ready in case of an emergency included a spare comforter, favourite teddy or toy for older children, spare underwear or set of clothes, formula, nappies, bottles, snacks plus those important documents like passports and birth certificates too so you can just grab and go if you are in a hurry and needing to leave the home urgently.

Fire Safety plan in bushfires season

Another important tip is to make sure you always have a fire plan – you can get some great tips from your local fire service. Find important links below

Bush fire survival plan – NSW Rural Fire Service

Home fire safety checklist – Fire and Rescue NSW

Plan & Prepare | CFA (Country Fire Authority)

Keep children safe in a bushfire

Always make 100% sure your cars are locked, especially if they are parked close to your property and children can gain access to them. Young children are known to get into unlocked cars to play and do not understand the dangers of the heat when they close the doors and windows.

No outdoor play during bushfires

Please also remember that babies and children are much more sensitive to the smoke in their lungs than adults are. Children especially under 14 years of age are particularly at risk so it’s important to keep them indoors. I know it’s difficult because at times, but it’s very important to protect their young, developing bodies from this smoke.

In my routines I say to take your baby for a walk at 4.30 — Don’t. Not if there is smoke or fires in your area. I see parents pushing their babies in prams with muslin cloths over them, but that makes very little difference and will only constrict their breathing more also adding the risk of overheating or a rebreathing stale air accident.

You might also like to watch my video below on Summer bedding tips and adjusting your little ones bedding in the warmer weather.

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